Old West Durham
Pocket Garden
The neighborhood association is excited to be creating a new garden space in the vacant lot next to Locopops and across from Cocoa Cinnamon.
Stay tuned for more garden updates. Also, if you have a green thumb, we'll be asking for plant donations early-mid Spring.
Neighborhood Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety Study
Contact the Bike Durham team:
OWDNA is excited to be launching a three month study of the safety issues affecting bicyclists and pedestrians in Old West Durham and Watts Hillandale. We thank the Watts Hillandale Neighborhood Association for partnering with us on this effort.
The study will be coordinated by the nonprofit Bike Durham and is funded by a generous grant from the Duke Office of Durham and Community Affairs. From March to May, Bike Durham will solicit input from neighbors about places where safety improvements could happen. They will also conduct a street level audit and discuss conditions and pending projects with the City. Special emphasis will be placed on safe routes to school. These findings will then go into a report to the neighborhoods and City officials. A phase two will work to implement the recommendations, both in the form of City projects and DIY improvements.
A community discussion will be held Saturday, April 9 at 10 a.m. (Rain date April 10, 2 p.m.). Meet the Bike Durham team on the north side of Oval Park, by the amphitheater.
For more information and to get involved, find updates here, on the listserv, or by contacting the OWDNA board